Important Messages, such as Service Disruption and Opening Times.
Our usual opening hours are Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM UK time, excluding public holidays.
People often want to be more efficient when using the JAWS screen-reader. Particularly when in the workplace, this is especially important as they want to be able to demonstrate they can carry out tasks at a similar speed to their sighted colleagues. But it could also be helpful for people within education or within leisure pursuits.
In our experience, many people claim to be efficient screen-reader users. It transpires however that what they mean by that is that they’ve increased the speech rate significantly. While this is helpful, they are not familiar with the many shortcut keys and facilities built into JAWS to increase productivity. Our new training course will not only give you lots of shortcut keys to aid efficiency, but it will also show you the best ways to find what you are looking for, and demonstrate many JAWS gems with which you may not be familiar.
What Kinds of Topics Will Be Covered?
This training course, Jaw Muscles, does not focus upon using JAWS with a specific application. You’ll find that you’ll learn tips and tricks for working in documents, browsing the web with any browser, and much more. In short, you’ll gain a vast amount of knowledge concerning all manner of ways to make you more efficient within a variety of computing settings. The topics covered are:
- Quick Navigation Keys in Microsoft Word.
- Changing Echoing of Phonetic Characters After Pausing.
- JAWS Find.
- Microsoft Word Spell Checking.
- Virtualising the Current Control.
- Building a Word List.
- Basic Table Navigation.
- Working with Microsoft Word Forms.
- Examining Data on the Clipboard.
- Sound Splitter.
- Insert+Tab in Save Dialogs.
- Backing Up and Restoring Settings.
- An Introduction to the Keyboard Manager.
- Navigation Quick Key Manager.
- Searching for JAWS Commands.
- Picture Smart.
- Setting Up Placemarkers.
- Custom Page Summary.
- Customising JAWS Settings Relative to a Domain.
- More on Placemarkers.
- Text Analyser.
- Customising Outlook Views For Easier Reading with JAWS.
- Quick Settings in Outlook.
- The Impact of Customising JAWS Options for Outlook.
- Skim Reading Basics.
- Skim Reading Text Searches.
- Skim Reading Attributes and Colours.
- Skim Reading Working With Longer Documents.
- Comments in Microsoft Word.
- Audience Participation.
There are so many tools and utilities hidden inside JAWS to improve efficiency. It’s just a question of finding them.
Who Is The Course For?
This training course is certainly for JAWS users who wish to improve their screen-reading skills. But it is also for trainers of Assistive Technology. We’ve seen many instances where people are trained to use the Microsoft application shortcut keys, and this is all very fine. But as trainers, we would suggest it is our duty to teach people about the added JAWS benefits provided by other keystrokes. If we can avoid unwanted key presses, not only does it make someone more efficient at using a computer but it also avoids the onset of conditions such as repetitive strain injury. All the unnecessary key presses a person has to do add up over the course of a day.
This training course is suited to anyone using recent releases of JAWS or ZoomText Fusion. As will be seen below, the training course is provided in both audio and text formats so is ideal for anyone who is unable to hear audio content or for quick reference.
The cost of the course is £50 which is currently 68 US dollars.
While it is by no means a requirement for course participation, we are offering an additional package if you do not have our Leasey product. One of the main advantages of Leasey is to add even more productivity tools to those already available within JAWS and this year, we intend to add even more of these. JAW Muscles with Leasey is available at a substantially reduced rate for a combined total of £80 which is approximately $108 US.
Please enter your JAWS or Fusion serial number here.
Alternatively, anyone can purchase either package by sending an Email to, whereupon a fully accessible electronic invoice will be sent to you which can be paid through PayPal or any major credit or debit card. Orders can also be processed by telephone.
While many people can use computing applications with the keyboard at a basic level, we want to lick your screen-reading skills into shape. We’ll show you plenty of strategies you probably didn’t know about. Once you’ve completed our new training course, you will be able to show everyone your screen-reading muscles!