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Optimising the Power of JAWS for windows and Microsoft Outlook for Beginners.

For many years, Microsoft Outlook has been the industry standard and leader for managing Email, working with appointments, creating tasks for projects and accessing contact information. So it is not really surprising that the access provided through the JAWS for Windows screen-reader for this application provides the blind user with some incredible tools to gain the most from it. But how do you unlock that power? Hartgen Consultancy’s online course, “Looking Out for Outlook”, will show you.

While there are many web-based tools available for keeping track of your Email particularly, Microsoft Outlook is by far the most straightforward for working with this information, and indeed, many people have the application open for the entire time the computer is switched on. What’s more, JAWS has lots of gems hidden away which can really optimise your efficiency when working in Microsoft Outlook.

The pace of this course is slower than our previous online training courses and is ideally suited to people who have not used Microsoft Outlook before or who are struggling to gain the most from Email and Contact management.

What Will I Learn?

The course is divided into four lessons, each of 90 minutes duration. Topics include:

Who is the Course For?

“Looking Out for Outlook” is ideally suited to anyone who wishes to further their knowledge of this application. . It will also benefit I T professionals who have an elementary understanding of screen-reading but who want to provide a greater level of support to blind people, such as other colleagues they are working with.

Course Prerequisites.

As can be seen from the list of topics above, many subjects are covered. It is therefore important that you have:

If I Purchase the Course, What Will I Receive?

The course will give to you:

How to Purchase.