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StationPlaylist Studio V6.0 JAWS Keystrokes

Copyright 2024, Hartgen Consultancy

Use the Arrow keys to explore the list or press the letter H to move through keystroke categories.

The following paragraphs give a summary of all the keystrokes found in the scripts.

To set focus to Studio from within any application press the StationPlaylist Key then S.

Information Keys

Column Browsing Keys

Metadata Streaming

Introduction Monitoring

End Track Monitoring

Jingle Cart Machines

Request Notifications

Global Keystrokes

Press the StationPlaylist Key then:

If you are using our Leasey product, use ALT+StationPlaylist key instead as a prefix.

In addition:

Press the Insert Key with the StationPlaylist Key then:

Additional Functions

It is worth noting that if you wish to insert an item other than a track when using the Insert Tracks Dialog Box, you can use the Radio Buttons to select it or press:

ALT+1 Commercial.

ALT+2 Voice Outro.

ALT+3 Voice Intro.

ALT+4 Timed Break Note.

ALT+5 Break Note.

ALT+6 Timed Spot.

ALT+7 General Spot.

ALT+8 General Track.