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If so, you’ve come to the right place!

These are all situations in which JAWS scripting can help. There are many others!

As demonstrated in Our Products, the popular screen-reader JAWS for Windows can be configured to do much more than read the screen. It can be programmed to intelligently communicate with many websites and applications to give visually impaired people high quality interaction with an application. As a screen-reader user, it’s essential to get access to information quickly and reliably with the minimum of effort. The more productive you are, the more you can do.

Programming with JAWS is called scripting. JAWS is a highly intelligent program and during the past 21 years, I’ve created easy-to-use yet powerful customised script packages to serve a range of need, both for home use and on a professional level.

In addition, I’ve been instrumental in creating the following JAWS-based products which are widely used in a number of countries:

No task is too large or small. You may for example only require part of a program to be scripted. This can be easily done. Input from the JAWS user is the most important part of the scripting process and he or she may have very specific requirements. Our bespoke scripting solutions take account of the user’s preferences.

Every week, scripting is carried out for a wide range of applications. Most recent examples include browser-based databases and Microsoft Teams.

Scripting in conjunction with our J-Say software is also possible!

What Is a Scripting Asessment?

If the application requiring scripting is at a place of employment, we may feel that your best option is to have our company carry out a JAWS Scripting Assessment. The JAWS program will be installed onto a computer and the application will be tested to determine how the screen-reader performs.

The Assessment should include input from a person who understands the application in detail, and who can demonstrate the parts of the program the JAWS user will need to access as part of his or her day-to-day employment duties. It should also include input from the user to determine current level of JAWS knowledge.

A report will then be prepared, setting out where JAWS performs well, and what needs to take place in order to remedy any deficits within the application in order that the visually impaired person can carry out the tasks assigned by the employer.

Please Contact Us Today for a quotation!

Why Choose Hartgen Consultancy?

Please Contact us today to discuss your JAWS scripting requirements!