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Our usual opening hours are Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM UK time, excluding public holidays.
Have you ever wanted to learn how to write scripts for the well-known screen-reader JAWS for Windows? Do you work with an application which is only partly
accessible and you would like to do more so as to improve the experience? Have you tried scripting yourself but you do not find working through help topics
or the Scripting Manual particularly easy?
If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then why not learn scripting in our training course. The objective once the course is completed is that you will have a good understanding of scripting basics and how to go about customising JAWS to work alongside applications.
Note the term “Scripting Basics”. No prior knowledge of JAWS scripting or programming is required.
There’s nothing like having someone teaching you a topic. Now, here is your chance to learn JAWS scripting in this way.
The major criticism of JAWS scripting is that some of the concepts are difficult to understand. The primary goals for this training course are:
- To simplify matters further so as to provide the concepts to ensure applications are accessible.
- Reducing spoken output in specific applications so as to become more productive overall.
- Automating common routines.
Scripting isn’t just about making applications accessible. It can be about creating more convenient ways to carry out computing tasks, reducing speech output, gathering information and presenting it in a form more easily readable, and much more.
What Do I Get?
- Tuition from someone who has been writing scripts (and creating JAWS-based products) for 24 years, who has taken the advanced JAWS scripting class from Vispero in Florida and who holds current JAWS product certification.
- Twelve lessons.
- Opportunities to create scripts during the course.
- Extensive documentation to support the topics covered.
- Code samples to illustrate specific points.
- A recording and text transcript of the entire course.
You will need the ability to think in a creative way. Anyone potentially can write scripts, but it is what you do with that knowledge which makes the difference between whether other people would wish to use them or not.
During the training course, a number of major projects were worked upon so as to illustrate the concepts being taught.
A potential question may arise as to why more time was not given to working further with Objects and UIA?
For people unused to programming, it is essential that all of the below topics are thoroughly understood first, prior to embarking upon that adventure. There is a high probability of an advanced scripting training course being produced. However, the expectation of potential participants of such a course would be that they have fully understood (and can work with) all of the below concepts without the need to explain them. Time would not be spent reiterating concepts in an advanced scripting course.
Topics Covered are as follows:
- Introduction.
- Getting Started.
- Why Do We Need JAWS Scripts.
- Terminology and File Types.
- The Importance of Backing Up Files.
- Creating Our First Script.
- Checking the Script and Changing the Keystroke.
- Changing the Keystroke By Editing the Script Documentation.
- Adding Comments.
- Creating Our First Default Script.
- Exploring My Extensions.
- Creating a Global Script and Attaching it to a Keystroke Manually.
- Creating Alternative Keystrokes in Default.
- Exploring Default JKM in Shared.
- Working With Keystrokes For Braille Displays.
- Ensuring JAWS Speaks The Correct Application Settings Are Loaded.
- Creating a Script to Deploy Keystrokes.
- Screen Reading Commands and SayCurrentScriptKeyLabel.
- TypeCurrentScriptKey.
- TypeString With Pause Statements.
- The Delay Statement.
- Setting Up Scripts For Applications Where Default Functionality Exists.
- Using Keystrokes and TypeString Together.
- Moving Between Files.
- Layered Keys.
- The Run Function.
- Introduction to Reading Text in Applications.
- Cursor Definitions.
- Creating a Script to Click An Item.
- Creating a Script to Read Part of the Status Line.
- More Natural Speech.
- FindString.
- FindString On a Web Page.
- Examining the Word Count Dialog in Microsoft Word.
- Variable Definitions.
- Storing GetWord As a String.
- If Then Statement.
- Using Multiple Strings.
- Combining Two Strings Into An Output String to Speak.
- If Then Else.
- Finding Text On a Web Page and Relocating the Virtual Cursor Position.
- CopyToClipboard GetDomainName and StringContains.
- Using the JAWS Message Voice.
- Setting Up a JAWS Message File.
- Making Use Of Our First Message.
- Adding a Message File To Existing Scripts Where Such a File Is Already Referenced.
- Modifying the Word Count Script to Include Messages Rather Than Hard Coded Strings.
- A First Look At Hotkey Help.
- Nested If Then Statements.
- Introduction to Windows and Script Utility Mode.
- GetTextInWindow GetCurrentWindow.
- StringChopLeft.
- StringSegment.
- StringReplaceSubStrings.
- StringTrimTraillingBlanks.
- Obtaining Control ID Class RealWindow and WindowText.
- FindWindowWithClassAndId.
- SetFocus.
- StringIsBlank.
- GetWindowName.
- PerformScript And UpALevel.
- An Introduction to Functions.
- AutoStartEvent.
- Global Variables.
- Reading the Status Bar of the Script Manager.
- Extracting the Line Number Only.
- What If the Status Bar Changes In Structure?
- Two-Way Toggle Switch.
- ScheduleFunction.
- Are We In The Editor Window?
- ElIf.
- Introduction to Monitoring Project, Do We Have The Line Number?
- GetObject Name, State, Value and Type.
- Creating Two String Variables For Comparison.
- PlaySound.
- KeyPressedEvent.
- IniWrite and IniRead Integer.
- Scheduling a Function to Repeat.
- Unschedule a Function.
- An Alternative Method of Creating Default Functionality.
- KeymapChangedEvent and Layered Keys.
- GetObjectList.
- Answer to Homework Assignment, Creating Script to Retrieve the Email Address Through Objects.
- Reassigning Window Classes.
- Setting Up FocusChangedEvent.
- FocusChangedEvent Setting Focus to Alternative Control Automatically.
- FocusChangedEvent Preventing JAWS setting focus to a Control Unnecessarily.
- FocusChangedEvent Speaking a Substitute Label.
- PositionInGroup.
- SayNextLine, SayPriorLine and SayLine.
- Introduction to Scripting Web Sites and Apps.
- Setting Up Domain Specific Scripting.
- Commonly Used Web Functions.
- DocumentLoadedEvent.
- MoveToAnyLink.
- MoveToFormFieldByIndex and Window Types.
- MoveToHeading.
- InputBox, StopSpeech and StringReplaceSubStrings.
- InputBox with IniWriteString.
- IniReadSectionKeys, IniReadString and DLGList.
- ExMessageBox and IniRemoveKey.
- Getting a Plain Text Representation Of a Web Page Into a String For Evaluation.
- Extracting Specific Text From a Web Page.
- Script Distribution and Closing Comments.
What Else Should I Know?
You should have a good working knowledge of JAWS and Microsoft Windows in general.
How to Purchase.
Learn JAWS Scripting from Scratch is £200 which is approximately 253 American dollars.
Alternatively please send an email to whereupon an invoice can be sent to you which can be paid by credit or debit card.