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Our usual opening hours are Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM UK time, excluding public holidays.

“Hi! I’m Leasey, What Would You Like to Do?”

Thank you for stopping by Leasey Central!

Leasey, (which functions in conjunction with the JAWS for Windows screen-reader from Vispero), is the world’s first application ideal for people wishing to learn computing through to the power user. From everyday simple tasks such as writing a letter or Email, to tools for study or leisure reading, from searching for (and listening to) books, to hearing your favourite music or the radio, Leasey has a host of tools, utilities and services to offer the computer beginner to the advanced user. Every JAWS user should have Leasey!

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We hope you enjoy browsing around Leasey Central!

Read Juanita Fischer’s Story.

Juanita is a user of the Leasey product. She says:

I’ve been a JAWS user for 20 years and even worked at Freedom Scientific in their technical support department for a year. When I first heard about Leasey, I thought, “I’m a JAWS power user. Why would I want something like Leasey. It would probably get in my way and tell me to do things I already know how to do. I’d probably hate it.” But when it came on sale for half price, I broke down and bought Leasey Advanced. I figured I could always return it if I didn’t like it. Well, I’ve been using Leasey for about 5 hours in the past two days and I absolutely love it. It stays out of my way until I need it. When I listened to the TechTalk presentation, I got very excited about what’s coming up in Leasey 2.0. I’d recommend it to anyone who uses JAWS. I like to use the menus for some things and the short cut keystrokes for others. Keep up the good work!

What Other Customers Think of Leasey.!

I don’t know when I have found an application that has come close to being this helpful in speeding up my work.

Leasey Advanced is a fine 13MB bit of software. Even with 16 years of using JAWS, beginning with 3.1, the program increases the enjoyment of the computer experience. Thank you.

I am loving this product. I love having Leasey’s voice to help me. The access to Spotify, iTunes and Facebook is fantastic!

Very clearly written documentation!

I am really enjoying using the Leasey Text Selection feature and LeaseyTags in File Explorer.

I look forward to getting a lot of use out of these tools.

The WhatsApp access is very cool!

You have made my life so much easier.

I am finding both Leasey Basic and Advanced very feature-rich. I can see in my line of work as an adaptive technology trainer in the United States that both modes of operation would be extremely useful to my clients.

just to say that what I’ve used of Leasey so far, Tags and Text is worth the price alone. outstanding job!

I love Leasey Radio! It’s a super feature!

Access to Twitter with Leasey is amazing!

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